Mark Donovan
Mark commenced practice as a barrister in 2009 after working as a senior solicitor in a large national law firm.
Committed to providing excellent service and practical results, Mark is available to give clear advice and to assist in the prevention and resolution of employment-related, and other civil, disputes.
Mark has presented seminars to clients and interest groups on employment-related legal issues and has written articles for the Employment Law Bulletin and the National Business Review.
Mark is a graduate of the University of Auckland with bachelor degrees in Arts and Law (Honours). He is also an Association of Workplace Investigators Certificate Holder, having completed training in the conduct of impartial workplace investigations.
Employment Law
Mark regularly represents parties at mediation, in the Employment Relations Authority and the Employment Court and conducts independent workplace investigations. But even before disputes arise, he can advise on all matters relating to employment law and independent contracts, including:
- disciplinary processes, including termination for misconduct
- employee performance management
- restructuring and restructuring
- holidays and leave
- health and safety, including defending parties being prosecuted by WorkSafe
- documenting terms and conditions of employment
- drafting and interpreting employee benefits, including bonuses and KiwiSaver
- preparing and amending HR policies
- restraints of trade
- relationships between unions and employers, including collective bargaining
- due diligence on employment issues in proposed business acquisitions
- independent contractor agreements
Civil Litigation
Any other disputes between parties that are not criminal proceedings, fall within the scope of civil litigation. Mark provides strategic advice, and has appeared in the District Courts, High Court and Court of Appeal, in relation such diverse matters as:
- termination and performance of contracts
- debt collection strategies
- applications to liquidate a company
- applications to bankrupt a person
- commercial restraints of trade
- confidential information
- enforcement of judgments
- disputes about construction of buildings
- regulatory investigations
- New Zealand Law Society
- New Zealand Bar Association
- Auckland District Law Society Inc (ADLSi)
- ADLSi Employment Law Committee